when people refer to Project Governance what are they referring to?


when people refer to Project Governance what are they referring to?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The exact answer varies by industry, but in general Project Governance is a set of decisions, policies, and standards that helps you make good decisions about a project consistently.

I mostly deal in IT and Development, so a good example would be moving your applications or games to a cloud provider like google.

If you have ten teams and you let them move themselves they may come up with ten different solutions which is both expensive and unsupportable.

Instead, you create a couple of different ways, sometimes called build patterns patterns, to deploy your game and the teams doing the work selects one of those patterns to finish their project.

This helps you know in advance how much each one costs, and helps the teams supporting the applications know what to expect exist decreasing total time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Governance is about how decisions are made.

When you’re creating a team or a project, anything involving multiple persons or parties, you need to know how decisions are going to be made.

Sometimes it’ll be automatic (maybe it’s the highest in hierarchy), but if your not relying on an existing structure, it is a good idea to clear that up from the start.