When protecting someone’s identity, why do some photo’s only have a black bar covering the eyes? Why not just blur/hide the entire face to not risk the small chance someone may actually identity them?


When protecting someone’s identity, why do some photo’s only have a black bar covering the eyes? Why not just blur/hide the entire face to not risk the small chance someone may actually identity them?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read once that it is really difficult to recognize someone when you can’t see their eyes (I think it was because your brain doesn’t fully see it as a face). So anyone who still knows who it is from that picture would also know from just reading “John D.”.

On a related note, if the suspect asks for the file there is often a lot of personal data from the victim in there. So there has been a proposal that victims can ask to be made anonymous in the files, and to distinguish them from the suspect they would get a white bar. (but this was in our papers in February, and than covid got big, so I guess that is getting delayed)

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