When Roman numerals are used on a clock face, why is the number 4 usually written as IIII rather than IV? Are there any other instances where IIII is used in favour of IV?


When Roman numerals are used on a clock face, why is the number 4 usually written as IIII rather than IV? Are there any other instances where IIII is used in favour of IV?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Decades ago, on a visit to Fort York in Toronto, one of the docents pointed out a large clock in the officers mess which had IIII instead of IV. Their explanation was that George IV (King of the United Kingdom 1820 – 1830 ) preferred to keep IV for the royal title, so clocks were required to use IIII instead. No idea how true this is, but it’s a good story.

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