When soap breaks down the cellular membranes of cells why/how is it safe to use on our skin?


When soap breaks down the cellular membranes of cells why/how is it safe to use on our skin?

In: Biology

5 Answers

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Soap loves to attach to water at one end of the molecule, and fat at the other.

Since the outer shell of cells are made out of fat, soap normally destroys cells upon contact.

Skin cells are protected from mild soaps because they are reinforced with material called keratin. Keratin happens to be the same material that your nails and hair are made out of. Your skin cells use keratin as armour.

The cells of your eyes, throat, lungs and oesophagus don’t have this protection, which is why it is [a very, very bad idea to eat Tide Pods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmibYliBOsE).

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