When someone is “In Shock” what does that mean and why does this happen?


When someone is “In Shock” what does that mean and why does this happen?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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“Shock,” in a medical context, refers to insufficient blood volume.

Shock can be subdivided into four types, depending on what caused it:

* *Hypovolemic* (low volume) shock is due to blood loss.
* *Cardiogenic* (heart-created) shock, due to a heart attack or similar.
* *Obstructive* shock happens when something poses a mechanical barrier, such as air buildup in the space around the lungs or fluid in the space around the heart.
* *Distributive* shock means the blood can’t get to where it needs to be, usually due to anaphylaxis (hence, anaphylactic **shock**), or certain drug overdoses.

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