When someone says bless you after having a sneeze. Where does that come from?


When someone says bless you after having a sneeze. Where does that come from?

In: Culture

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Back in the days of the plague, sneezing was an early sign of catching it. So when someone sneezed people would say ‘(god) bless you’ to try and help the person.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s an old superstition that believed that your soul would separate from your body after a sneeze. So to prevent the devil stealing your soul, people would say (god) bless you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I heard when you sneeze it makes your possesion threshold go down so saying bless you keeps the demons or evil entities from entering your body..

Anonymous 0 Comments

I heard it came about around the time of the plague in England. When you sneezed they’d say God bless you in the hopes you were showing early signs