When the lid gets put on a lit candle, what happens to the smoke?


It’s in there for a while but then it disappears.

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

gas expands to fill whatever space it’s in. when i do this, the particles stick to the walls of the glass container the candle is in. although it is hard to tell unless the glass is completely transparent and clean to begin with

Anonymous 0 Comments

Smoke is a bunch of tiny particles of carbon or tar or wax. When it is contained and given time, it will settle out and onto nearby surfaces. The actual amount is very tiny and so you won’t really notice it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It settles and turns to ash/soot and emission gasses. The gasses remain gasses but they become transparent as the particles fall out. So basically you’ll end up with atmospheric air containing huge amounts of carbon dioxide. Meanwhile the glass become foggy due to the residue of particles that get deposited against the glass as everything separates.