When they build a town, in what order do they build things generally? E.g. roads, sewer, residences, schools, electric cabling, post office, etc etc.


When they build a town, in what order do they build things generally? E.g. roads, sewer, residences, schools, electric cabling, post office, etc etc.


20 Answers

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All these examples are modern-times City planning. In the old days (when most current cities started) someone built a general store at a cross-roads. Someone else built a stable next to the general store. In this area farmers built houses for themselves and their children. More children = more houses. Postal service gets tired of delivering mail way out there and builds a post office and declares a name for the area. Residents get sick of mud and set out to tax themselves to build roads and bridges.

Most improvements happen because people are sick to death of current conditions and pull together for the common good.

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