When we turn our face towards the sun on a day with clear skies: Is the heat we feel on our skin actual heat radiation from the surface of the sun or do we just feel the warmth of the molecules in our atmosphere which have been “warmed” by radiation from the upper atmosphere?


When we turn our face towards the sun on a day with clear skies: Is the heat we feel on our skin actual heat radiation from the surface of the sun or do we just feel the warmth of the molecules in our atmosphere which have been “warmed” by radiation from the upper atmosphere?

In: 1238

42 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Look up “three modes of heat transfer,” and you will learn about convection, conduction, and radiation. More than one at a time can be relevant. First part of your question I would say yes, radiation from the sun can be felt on your face, easily evidence by holding up an object to block the sun and you will instantly feel cooler- too fast to be explained by air movement. As to the second part, also yes. We feel warmth transferred to our face by warm air even when we can’t see the sun. Both modes can transfer energy to us in the form of heat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Look up “three modes of heat transfer,” and you will learn about convection, conduction, and radiation. More than one at a time can be relevant. First part of your question I would say yes, radiation from the sun can be felt on your face, easily evidence by holding up an object to block the sun and you will instantly feel cooler- too fast to be explained by air movement. As to the second part, also yes. We feel warmth transferred to our face by warm air even when we can’t see the sun. Both modes can transfer energy to us in the form of heat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s warmer when you face the sun than when you’re facing away.
The difference is the direct radiation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s warmer when you face the sun than when you’re facing away.
The difference is the direct radiation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s usually a **very** fine, warm mist from when they release the toilets from planes. The clouds normally block it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s usually a **very** fine, warm mist from when they release the toilets from planes. The clouds normally block it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re feeling the infrared radiation coming both from the sun and whatever is radiated off surfaces nearby (ground)

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re feeling the infrared radiation coming both from the sun and whatever is radiated off surfaces nearby (ground)

Anonymous 0 Comments

I always thought the heat we feel from the sun was just photons hiting a surface and releasing heat as energy. Is this wrong?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I always thought the heat we feel from the sun was just photons hiting a surface and releasing heat as energy. Is this wrong?