When we’re born are we in peak condition? If not, why?


When we’re born are we in peak condition? If not, why?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. It would take too much energy and an extraordinarily large woman (as in a 30+ foot person) to gestate and birth a fully grown human.

So we give birth to small, weak, useless beings that can barely move, and we let them grow outside the womb with access to food and space.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What do you mean by peak condition? Like, peak athletic condition? No, babies are not the best athletes. Peak neuroplasticity? Kind of, babies learn a lot really quickly. There are a bunch of metrics that you could use.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Newly-born humans are at their peak in one thing: skin quality. A baby’s been moisturized for 9 months so their skin feels great.

Otherwise, a newborn is pretty useless. It can’t move it’s head so it can suffocate if improperly placed. It can’t move on it’s own. It has no immune system so it’s very weak to sickness. It’s stomach is so small, it needs to feed every 2 hours. These are definitely not peak conditions.