When you close your eyes, and push on the side of either eyelid, you see a dark spot appear in your vision on the opposite side of the area that you’re applying pressure to. Why is that?


When you close your eyes, and push on the side of either eyelid, you see a dark spot appear in your vision on the opposite side of the area that you’re applying pressure to. Why is that?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Your eye is really a reflector (a mirror) and a big area to “catch” the reflected light. Since the eye always sees light reflected, your brain always negates this reflection by “reflecting” (inverting) it again. What you see is really a mentally reflected form of the physically reflected light entering your eye.

When you apply pressure on the right side of the eye, you are stimulating the right part of your eye. Your mind thinks this stimulation must have been reflected light that originally came from the left so you “see” it on the left.

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