When you crack your knuckles where does the poped gas go?


When you crack your knuckles where does the poped gas go?

In: 14

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The popping is the gas coming out of the solution of joint fluid, so like opening a can of soda. Eventually it dissolves back into the fluid. No real issue, just a neat quirk of how negative pressure and dissolved gasses interact.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The crack or pop can be the tendons in you fingers realigning,

you don’t have muscles in your fingers, just tendons, which are things that connect between bone and muscle. If you make a fist, look at your forearm especially toward the outside of the firearm , up toward the elbow? Those are the muscles moving your fingers via tendons stuck onto knuckle bones. When you felex your fingers, look at how the muscles move , you’ll see a dip in your wrist between the ends of your firearms bones that’s, you’ll see movement there if you wiggle your fingers.

The tendons run in little notches or grooves , sometimes things get a bit out of alignment and when you “crack” your knuckles , you’re making everything pop back into where it should be, a little like snapping a rubber band against your skin.