when you die from blood loss, do you feel like you are dying from not being able to breathe? Because your lungs are breathing but you’re not getting oxygen where it needs to go, would it feel something like suffocating?


when you die from blood loss, do you feel like you are dying from not being able to breathe? Because your lungs are breathing but you’re not getting oxygen where it needs to go, would it feel something like suffocating?

In: Biology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two possibilities, inability to maintain blood pressure or hypovolemic shock. It would depend on the rate of blood loss. High rate would likely lower blood pressure (think not enough water in the hose) to the point you could have an arrhythmia (heart malfunction) and brain death in 6 minutes due to no oxygen being pumped to the brain. Lower rate loss leads to Hypovolemic shock Hypo=low, volemic=volume, shock=the inability of blood to perfuse muscle. This means all those important organs (heart, liver) can’t get blood which in turn can’t get oxygen or expel CO2.

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