When you get a concussion and it’s dangerous to go to sleep, what do doctors do to cure it?


Okay so I just whacked the back of my head on the underside of a bunk bed and then started to think about concussion.

I’ve heard horror stories of people banging their head, going to sleep and never waking up again.

What would doctors do? Do they just not let you sleep?

In: Biology

7 Answers

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It’s not that sleeping is bad for people who are concussed. Sleeping is actually very good for people who are *recovering* from concussions. It’s that *immediately* *following* a head injury, you need to know whether the person is able to keep themselves conscious or not. Letting that person take a nap masks signs and symptoms that might be indicative of a more serious condition, like a brain bleed, which can be fatal.

If a person has had a serious head injury, they should be taken for emergent medical evaluation. Doctors will likely ask the person about their symptoms, perform a neurological exam, and may order brain imaging to check for bleeding. If diagnosed with a concussion and cleared of any more serious conditions, the person will probably be sent home to rest and recover.

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