When you get a concussion and it’s dangerous to go to sleep, what do doctors do to cure it?


Okay so I just whacked the back of my head on the underside of a bunk bed and then started to think about concussion.

I’ve heard horror stories of people banging their head, going to sleep and never waking up again.

What would doctors do? Do they just not let you sleep?

In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As others have said, it is not dangerous to go to sleep. However, becoming unconscious, and not being able to be aroused, could be a sign of a more serious brain injury. In that case, imaging the brain with a CT scanner can rule out bleeding in the brain. The horror stories you have heard about would be people dying from bleeding, not concussions. There is no cure for a concussion. For people who have more serious concussions, neurologists or psychiatrist/psychologists can provide therapy long term to cope with and improve any cognitive deficits.

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