: When you get cold what stops our body from just heating itself up like when we are sick?


I know people can get fevers up to +100f/37c. So why can’t our body just flip a switch and turn on a fever essentially. I have plenty of “stored” energy so I don’t see how that would be a problem.

In: Biology

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think I can explain this in ELI5 style.

Your body is trying to lose heat slower, so it reduces bloodflow to the extremities. Your body works it’s damnedest to warm your innards, like your heart, brain, etc., Focusing it’s attention in the most important organs for as long as possible to keep you alive. Your body doesn’t know how long it will be in the cold, so it goes into survival mode.

Interestingly, alcahol can make you ‘feel’ warm, because it increases bloodflow to your extremities. This feels nice for a short spurt in the cold, but it will kill you much faster.

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