When you get gagged with a cloth why can’t you just spit it out?


So basically, in movies I’ve seen, every time someone gets gagged with a cloth, they just keep it there and it has me wondering, why can’t they just spit it out? Or push it out with their tongue? Is it really that hard?
I understand when you get gagged with an apple or something it’s actually hard because your teeth dig into the apple, but why is it so hard with a cloth?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Much of that is for effect only.

The reality is that you could easily spit out a rag with no problem at all.

Not to be too offensive; but there is a reason gag balls and their ilk all have straps to keep them in place.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In my experience, cloth fills the mouth and unravels, making it hard to spit out. Not impossible, but difficult. But It could be a shock thing as well, fear, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you seen that video where the “kidnapper” puts a single piece of duct tape over his victim’s mouth and he immediately gets it off?

Same thing. It’s for dramatic effect. If you want somebody to actually be and stay gagged, you need to shove a rag way into their mouth and then tie something around the back of their head to keep it in place.