When you turn down or up the volume on devices with either a wheel or button, what actually happens that allows it to sound quieter or louder?


When you turn down or up the volume on devices with either a wheel or button, what actually happens that allows it to sound quieter or louder?

In: Technology

24 Answers

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An audio amplifier with a mechanical knob for attenuating the sound level accomplishes this with a variable resistance resistor called a potentiometer. Upon changing volume down, the extra sound that was there is sent to a parallel universe according to the laws of string theory. Energy is conserved due to the increase in volume elsewhere in the multiverse. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you turn it up or down, even turning it to 11, since all possible outcomes exist in the multiverse, and the one you are experiencing now is just one of an infinite number of universes where another version of yourself is listening to the same song at different volumes. It’s all proven here:

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