Where did all matter come from?


I’ve hear before that the big bang wasn’t really an explosion, more of the point in time where the universe started rapidly expanding. Can someone explain where the all the matter that makes up planets, stars, etc. came from?

In: Physics

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So I’ve been playing around with an idea, literally no scientific theory just asinine stoner thoughts. But in Einstein’s theory of relativity there exists the probability of a white hole, an near infinite point of mass, and as far as I know every theorys math basically corroborates this point. Again asinine stoner thoughts, but I like story telling. Anyway the super massive black hole that is the galactic core of our galaxy, assuming our math is correct, what if every super massive black hole that’s trying to devour as much mass as possible one day reach a critical mass and become the supposed mass singularity. This would be a state that a super massive black hole would reach when even its own gravity inverts itself and releases an near infinite mass of exotic particles that quickly breakdown leaving behind the more common particles we’re used to seeing. In our universe it’s hydrogen that fuels the universe as it’s what was left behind by the exotic particles, physics was determined when our white hole/big bang exerted itself or physics is true between all “universes.”

Edit: rwaxh: reach

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