Where do all the fonts get their names from?


Where do all the fonts get their names from?

In: Other

5 Answers

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The designer of the font chooses a name. Or their boss. Or the person who paid for the design. They choose the name because they like it, or because they want a name that is related to (or suggestive of) another font, or to honour a previous font designer, or for fun, or any other reason they happen to have.

In 1984, the font designers for the original Apple Macintosh [named the fonts after cities](https://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=World_Class_Cities.txt), such as Chicago, London, San Francisco, Athens and Geneva.

Occasionally a voice cries out from a burning bush in the desert ordering the designer to use a particular name, but honestly that hardly ever happens these days. *wink*

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