Where do birds go at night? Where are they hiding when there is a storm and the weather is really bad?


Where do birds go at night? Where are they hiding when there is a storm and the weather is really bad?

In: Other

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I may have a little helpful knowledge here.

Crows will roost overnight with a large number of other crows within a tree or multiple trees. Crows are the only birds I know for sure that do this, but I’m also sure that there are other species that roost (European Starlings come to mind, they certainly roost in large groups during the day).

In addition to sleeping, it’s likely that the crows use roosts for protection from predators and gathering information on the surrounding area, other crows, sources of food, and so on.

Not all crows will go to a roost overnight, however. Some will “stay at home” at their nest with their family unit. Crows that do go to roosts rarely go every night, and each crow is different in respect to how often they go to roosts or stay home.

I know it’s specific to crows, but I hope it was helpful or at least interesting 🙂

Source: amateur birder of several years, Cornell lab’s online course on crows, and several pieces of literature on crows

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