Where does cholesterol come from and how does it affect our body?


Where does cholesterol come from and how does it affect our body?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Where does cholesterol come from

Primarily, from our livers and our intestines. Our brains synthesize some, as well as our adrenal glands.

>how does it affect our body

The human body absolutely needs cholesterol: we can’t make vitamin D without it, nor the bile acid in our gallbladders. Our cell membranes are composed of cholesterol as well. Bottom line: “cholesterol” is not bad for you, and in fact we would die if we had zero cholesterol.

Where problems arise is when you have way too much cholesterol, way more than your body needs. Then, it gets carted around in your blood and can contribute to a condition called *atherosclerosis*, or a narrowing of the arteries over time.

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