Where does oxygen for astronauts come from? Are we just constantly sending rockets with tanks of oxygen up to the ISS?


Where does oxygen for astronauts come from? Are we just constantly sending rockets with tanks of oxygen up to the ISS?

In: 42

7 Answers

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Air is like a recipe. It can be made by other things like water!

Water also is a bit of a recipe and, as it turns out, up in space they constantly clean it up and re-use it. A portion of that water gets cooked up along with funky things like what the astronauts breath out and then a cool machine can turn that into more air!

This machine also removes funky things that the astronauts don’t want to be breathing in or taking in, just like the fan over an oven takes away yucky things like smoke.

And just like this a bit of a water goes a long way up in space to be drank or cooked up to create more air! (Called by adults “Oxygen”)

Now, keep on dreaming young one! 👨‍🚀👩‍🚀

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