Where does the blood in a fetus comes from? Is it transferred from the mother or created by its own cells?


Where does the blood in a fetus comes from? Is it transferred from the mother or created by its own cells?

In: 14

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s created by its own cells.

No blood from the mother enters the fetus or vice versa, it stays separate.

The fetus’s blood and the moms blood both path close by each other in the placenta to transfer nutrients, but the blood itself isn’t mixing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s created by the fetus’s own cells. It’s possible (and not uncommon) for a mother and fetus to have different blood types. This can cause problems if the mother is Rh negative and the fetus is Rh positive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The mothers placenta sends essential nutrients through the umbilical cord to the fetus. This allows the cells of the fetus to replicate. Once the fetus reaches a certain age, marrow and bones start to form. Then the newly developed heart pumps the new blood through the veins of the fetus.