Where does your skin go after it hits concrete or any rough surfaces?

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Might be a dumb question but whatever.

In: Biology

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

On said concrete or rough surface, but it’s so thin you probably won’t ever see or find it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I want you to grab your cheese grater and observe what happens when you scrape a block of cheese along it.

Now replace cheese with skin and the grater for concrete and you get the picture.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you scrape your knee or fall off a motorcycle without proper gear, you effectively become a meat crayon.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Where does the wood go when you rasp/file it? Same thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine how a crayon works and how it would look at high magnification being dragged across construction paper.

Now imagine the crayon is made out of meat. How much of your body (meat crayon) that gets put on the asphalt (paper) and how quickly is dependent on how fast you are going. That is why full body leathers/armored clothing is recommend safety gear for motorcycle riders.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a saying in the motorcycle community about wearing protective gear so you do not become a human crayon. That’s what happens to your skin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Short answer, it stays there. It’s a part of the environment and not yours at all anymore.

You shed a *huge* number of skin cells daily. A good portion of the dust in our living spaces is made of cast off skin cells, and it’s all painless. After an injury the skin just picks up the pace of this ongoing regrowth project.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m dying to know what a genius like you thought of as an initial answer. It must have been so improbable that you had to ask.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had a hoodie on while I went skateboarding one day. Dropped into the bowl that had sand in it, fell and ate shit and skinned my right bicep down to the elbow, terrible recovery. After all was said and done, and I treated the wound, my friend asked me where did all the skin go?

I looked in my sleeve, and to our horror, there it was.
All of my old skin, completely intact, sloughed off of my arm and into my hoodie sleeve, like a greasy meat crayon. Nastiest shit I’ve ever seen come from my body

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ever heard of a meat crayon?