Who buff and nerf competitive online game characters and how do they balance it?


Yesterday team Sentinels won the Valorant Champions Tour. Now, Valorant is making an update on buffing or nerfing some agents. Who does buff or nerf characters in a game and how do they do it? (This is a general question on all competitive online games)

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The developers behind the games make decisions on buffing or nerfing items and characters in a game. They balance it mostly through trial and error. First designing an aspect or the game, then testing it, then fine tuning it to try and achieve a balance within the game. Once the game is released they inevitably die more fine tuning and tweaking as they see how the characters or items are applied in the wild. The goal generally being to buff underused things to make them good enough to be relevant and nerfing overused things to make them more fair to play against.

I don’t know the specifics of valorant but a buff/nerf wave coming in the wake of a major tournament sounds like the result of one of two things. Either the tournament highlighted areas of imbalance in the game and these buffs/nerfs aim to address them. Or, they have wanted to implement these changes for a while but held off on implementing them until after the tournament so as not to throw off the players who have been practicing within the given meta. Tournament is now over so it’s a good time to shake up the meta and let players adjust to the changes outside of a tournament setting.

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