why adding chemicals to the pool water is done instead of draining and cleaning


I see a lot of videos of cleaning pools and I don’t understand why heavily dirty pools aren’t just drained instead of adding things to it. Is it cheaper? Aren’t the chemicals harmful? Is the concentration harmful?

In: Other

10 Answers

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Pools hold a lot of water. A hot tub can hold ~400 gallons. Pools hold many times that. The chemicals used to treat it are a bit less expensive than the water itself. Additionally, the chemicals keep it clean. Draining it would still leave algae behind, as well as all the debris. You’d need to drain it every few days, which is a problem when your typical hose would take many hours to actually fill the pool.

The chemicals can irritate if they’re in too high of concentrations. But generally, our skin is good at mitigating that impact

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