Why after a good cry does our breath do that weird lung hiccup for so long after?


Why after a good cry does our breath do that weird lung hiccup for so long after?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

Crying is an emotional response. Any emotional response will trigger the sympathetic nervous system aka the ‘fight or flight’ system. Plus, crying makes you intake less oxygen which means your body will have a double reason to enter panic mode.
Your main respiratory muscle is called a diaphragm and it sits between your lungs and your abdominal cavity.
After crying the diagram is trying to restore normal breathing patterns and also trying to get in more oxygen = will try to expand the lungs more. But immediately after it has a hard time doing that because the rhythm was thrown off.
It’s like slipping on a wet surface… You try to compensate but you might do some weird movements before you manage to regain balance.
Hope this helps.