Why amblyopia (lazy eye) cannot be surgically or anyhow treated at adulthood? I know that if treated properly at childhood that eye can function normally, but why is it hard to develop it later?


Why amblyopia (lazy eye) cannot be surgically or anyhow treated at adulthood? I know that if treated properly at childhood that eye can function normally, but why is it hard to develop it later?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone with a lazy eye, I’ve been explained the disease a lot lol. The thing is, a lazy eye is NOT a disease. It’s literally your optical nerve being too lazy to work properly. You can train it back into functioning as a child by forcing it to work with an eyepatch, but the older you get the less likely you’re gonna succeed at de-atropy-ing it into health. Hope it helps!

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