Why and how is “clean” energy clean?


I get that solar POWER is infinite and clean, but the panels used to harvest it are anything but that, aren’t they? Aren’t solar panels just another way to pollute the earth because of their production and inevitable mass discarding?

Isn’t it the exact same problem for wind turbines? Won’t we eventually run out of material/resources to make those as well? Not to mention the noise pollution and the killing of avian life.

Could these alternative sources really be considered clean? If so, why?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Things are rarely if ever zeros and ones. If this concept is alien, then no explanation really matters.

Clean or not clean etc (really nearly any subject to which there is a demand for binary responses) are relative. If you’re holding out for the perfect, then obviously no product is going to be clean. But most of us live in the real world, with real choices rather than imagined perfection.

EDIT: Try searching for “life cycle analysis”. There are actually methods to compare the various alternatives in a holistic fashion.

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