Why are airplanes equipped with lifevests instead of parachutes as we mostly fly over distances of land?


Why are airplanes equipped with lifevests instead of parachutes as we mostly fly over distances of land?

In: Other

10 Answers

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* Have your ever tried to put a jacket on an airplane? Now imagine 200 panicking people trying to put parachutes all at once.
* It requires training most people don’t have to put on and properly operate a parachute.
* There is no good way to get out of a pressurized airplane at cruising speed at 35,000 feet, once a door opens everything pretty much gets sucked out all at once.
* Mid-air mishaps are extremely rare, most accidents happen during takeoff or landing, with little warning and where parachutes would do little good.
* Parachutes are heavy and bulky, and would reduce the number of passengers they airplane could carry.

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