Why are airplanes equipped with lifevests instead of parachutes as we mostly fly over distances of land?


Why are airplanes equipped with lifevests instead of parachutes as we mostly fly over distances of land?

In: Other

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You need to learn to use one. It’s not something they can just explain at the start like how to buckle ip.

They are heavy, bulky. If you hit water you’ll drown.

It’s not easy to put on right and it isn’t fast to do, and they couldn’t cram people in if everyone was wearing one.

People fighting to get out the door and open the chute in a panic = probably everyone dying as they get tangled and collide, etc.

It’s expensive.

They require a lot of checks, maintenance, and to be properly packed. Doing all this, every flight, is going to be costly and a big delay.

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