Why are ancient names like those belonged to the Pharaohs so different, where do they come from, and what do they mean?


Tutankhamun sounds alien to me

In: Culture

5 Answers

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They evolved from their own mythology and local history, with meanings that are completely reasonable.

Look at Emanuel, which can also be spelled Immanuel or Immanu’el. The ‘ is a hebrew letter.

Meaning: “God with us”. God as in the the god El, which came to mean the hebrew God.

Makes no sense in a language and culture not influenced by judaism/christianity. But completely normal in english, or why not the Spanish “Manuel”?

The only thing making them different is because we do not share the culture and language.

Örjan and George, Karl and Charles. One is Swedish, a Northern germanic language, the other is English, a Northern germanic language. But a bit different even though being close in both geography speaking and language speaking. Then introduce a whole different language. Even if you go a bit east to Russia and you get Yuri instead of Örjan and George.

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