Why are Arabs whiter than Indians?


My understanding is that, the more the melanin = the better the protection from sun.

If that’s the case, why do most Arab people have less melanins than Indian people, when there is more sunlight in the Middle East than there is in India? Shouldn’t it be opposite? And by the virtue of that, shouldn’t Indian people have a lighter skin tones than the Arabs?

(P.S. My question stems from my personal observation having lived both in India and the Middle East and I know that darker toned Arabs & lighter toned Indians do exist in plenty)

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It may also have to do with the migration of ancient peoples and the fact that we have not had enough time to fully evolve to our current environment (plus the fact that over the past few thousand years we have had advancements in housing, etc that has protected us from the environmental effects such as sun)

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