Why are archaeological sites often found underground?


What caused them to go “underground”?

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5 Answers

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There’s natural causes and human causes.

For natural causes, wind carries debris like dirt and dust and leaves which can gradually bury whatever is there. Last o remember the rule of thumb is you can get about an inch of soil every like hundred years. This process varies from place to place, some places stuff builds up quicker, some places it’s slower.

But then there’s also human factors.

Most of the time, humans didn’t just up and abandon a place suddenly, and for really old cities, those cities actually got build Up over time.

Heard why, say you had a bunch of old houses you wanted to build a new bigger building on. Taking down and carrying away all the debris from those old houses is hard, really hard without modern construction equipment.

So instead they would just knock the roof/walls down, and the stomp that whole area flat with the debris, and build on top of it. This is why would hear stories or ancient basements/cellars/floors being discovered. Because they were literally just built on top of.

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