Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting in an ongoing war? Why is Azerbaijan split in two parts?


Why are Armenia and Azerbaijan fighting in an ongoing war? Why is Azerbaijan split in two parts?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a part of Azerbijian that is predominantly ethnically Armenian. The Armenians there don’t want to be part of Azerbijian, and the Azeris don’t want them to leave.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am from Azerbaijan, Armenia is fighting for a part of our land which is internationally accepted as ours. We are fighting on our own land trying to take it back after many offers for a peaceful agreement. 800000 people had to leave everything behind and flee the area.

Has nothing to do with religion true Muslims respect all religions I dont know why anyone would think this has something to do with religion. I’m an atheist myself but Muslims are getting a bad rep and everyone knows why.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are fighting over a region called Nagorno-Karabakh, a predominantly ethnically Armenian region which is home to Artsakh, a self-proclaimed independent country that no one recognizes. Kind of like the situation with China and Taiwan. The Armenians there don’t want to be part of Azerbaijan and they are backed up by Armenia. They fought a major war in the early 90s which resulted in the status quo, and ethnic Azeris getting displayed from there in the process, and there have been periodic clashes every now and then between Armenian/Artsakh and Azerbaijani forces.

Azerbaijan views Nagorno-Karabakh as it’s own rightful territory. To the Azerbaijanis, the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh are a bunch of illegal secessionists and Armenian forces acting in support of them are occupying it’s rightful territory. To add to that, the decline in global oil prices as a result of Covid has been putting a strain on it’s oil-dependent economy, so the Azerbaijani government was likely feeling domestic political pressure and may have decided that now is the time for a military adventure to distract from that.