Why are back problems so notorious for being difficult to treat/cure?


Seems fairly rare to hear of someone having a knee, etc that bothers them for years provided it’s been properly treated. But hear about “bad backs” that people fight for decades.

In: 21

31 Answers

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It’s because most of us are lazy…

Most of us are sedentary and we sit a lot. That tends to lead to muscle imbalances and lack of flexibility. Those are the breeding ground for back problems, but they generally aren’t noticeable.

The something happens that causes the problems to get a bit worse, but they show up as a *big* increase in symptoms, typically with pain, spasm, or inability to move.

That’s the typical scenario.

Most people rest, and and that point the symptoms resolve after a few days. Or they go to their doctor, take some muscle relaxants, and the symptoms resolve. Or they go to a physical therapist, do some exercises for a few days, and the symptoms resolve.

Unfortunately, they haven’t resolved the underlying issues, so the symptoms come back.

It is possible – in many cases – to fix the underlying issues, but you need to spend enough time with a physical therapist and actually do the exercises for long enough

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