why are body armor vests so small?


Always seems like there are big parts of the chest not covered by the Kevlar. I get that there maybe aren’t organs up by your shoulders, but, seems like it makes it easier for bullets to come in from the side. Why not just have more coverage?

In: Engineering

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there are factors outside of pure defensive protection, which are also high priority. Weight load, mobility, ease of use, etc. It’s all a trade off of one vs others.

If I have a full upper torso protection, with plates on all sides, but I can’t run/duck/crouch, I’m just going to get shot/blown up when I take fire.

In the US military, we don’t even typically use a lot of the parts of the armor we have. We typically prefer the lighter weight and easier movement vs a little more side protection, crotch guard etc.

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