why are companies so keen on recruiting externally instead of promoting from within?


Every company I’ve worked at seems to have a bias towards hiring externally rather than internally.

I’ve worked with some exceptional performers but the company still preferred to hire externally.

Is there reason for this that is kept quiet?

In: Other

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you hire someone outside to fill a position, you plug a hole and everything is fine.

If you promote someone to fill a position, you plug a hole, but cause another to be opened, which can then repeat this process at a lower level, sometimes several times.

If you hire someone outside, you only have to negotiate with and train 1 person.

If you promote someone, you now have to negotiate with and train 2+ people.

Basically, it is less work to hire externally on many people’s parts, so they gravitate more towards hiring them.

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