As someone who has a spent time as a police officer in a horrible neighborhood in Philadelphia, this question kind of rubbed me the wrong way just reading it. The fact that you’re asking it makes me feel that you have no basis for this other than what you see in movies and what becomes viral videos on social media with the intention of making the police look bad.
Having said that, its just my assumption and we all know what happens when you assume so I apologize if I am wrong.
ANSWER: In my experience as a police officer, as I said in a horrible neighborhood in Philadelphia, “flashy cars” don’t pass through as often as normal cars. Most of my fellow officers couldn’t care less about the look a car carries with it except for in certain circumstances. Was the car just parked chatting with the corner boys who we know sell drugs every single day, most of which we have arrested on drug and gun charges previously? If the answer is yes, then absolutely I want to figure out a way to stop that vehicle. The main reason being to figure out who is in the car, maybe they are closer to the top of their respective hierarchy than the typical drug boy. These guys usually aren’t dumb enough to be carrying anything to get themselves in trouble, but hey if they are we’ll see where it takes us.
I think it is kind of relative to the type of law enforcement. Municipal police in bad rough cities, probably less likely to stop flashy cars. State police patrolling interstates? Maybe more likely because flashy cars tend to speed more than normal cars.
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