Why are Debit Cards accepted everywhere, but Credit Cards aren’t?


In my experience, it doesn’t matter if you bank with a major bank, a small bank, a credit union, etc., your debit card is accepted everywhere. However, only some places will accept Visa or MasterCard or [insert credit card here].

Why are Debit Cards universal and Credit Cards aren’t?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s all about fees, not access… its all about the money.

The merchant (the store, etc.) pays a fee to have credit card transactions. Generally this is about 3% for credit cards (but deals vary). Usually debit cards have smaller fees. So, while its uncommon, certain places want to only use debit so they can pay a lower fee then credit cards. The place this is generally seen is small family stores and such that have small margins and don’t wanna deal with the higher fees, like a corner store may do this.

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