Why are drone strikes on moving targets so accurate, how does the targeting technology work?


Edit: Damn, I did not expect so many responses. Thank you, I’ve learned a fair amount about drone strikes in the last few hours.

In: Technology

9 Answers

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All the US-operated ground-strike UAVs use the AGM-114 ‘Hellfire’ air-to-ground missile, in addition to several types bomb. The hellfire missile, as well as the some types of guided bomb, are guided with laser beam riding. Basically, there is a fancy [dome camera](https://www.bhphotovideo.com/images/images2000x2000/flir_n133ed_2_1mp_poe_day_night_1168089.jpg) on the bottom of the drone with a powerful laser pointer with a very specific color that isnt visible to human eyes. In order to guide the missile to a target, the camera points the laser at the target, and a fancy camera on the front of the missile uses fins on the missile to steer it to point at the laser dot on the ground. If the target is moving, the camera just moves the laser to follow the target as it moves, and the missile will continually adjust to point at the laser dot.

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