why are East Asian men less hairy?

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why are East Asian men less hairy?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My layman theory is due to having no 4 seasons and is more tropical. Basically spring/summer the entire year. Human body naturally evolved and adapted to the environment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most common theory is it helps with the function of sweating to control body temperature.

As early east asian humans relied much more on agriculture, it could be benificial for better sweat performance working long hours in the open fields. As opposed to hunting and gathering that could be done in less sunny locations.

This can also be observed in hunting afican cultures that resides on the arid plains, lots of sun and heat and very little body hair, even baldness is preferred.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many of the traits that make east Asians different are tied to a single gene, where some of the traits might not be beneficial on their own, the gene overall is. Therefore there might not be a particular reason why East Asian men have less hair, it just ‘comes with the package’.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, it is not that East Asian men are less hairy, it is that Europeans are more hairy. Human originated from Africa and adapted to different continents, I don’t think our ancestors in Africa are hairy (I don’t think African today are hairy). So hairy is a gained feature in Europeans, not the other way around.
However, there is a hair adaptation in Asian (*EDARV370A*). But what it does is make hair thicker: [https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(13)00067-6](https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(13)00067-6)