Why are EF5 tornadoes so Uncommon, even borderline rare, with the most recent one occurring in Moore, OK almost 10 years ago? (Sorry if this is a copy of an older question)


I’ve found it so weird. I adore the sight of tornadoes when not in their path due to meteorology being something I want to achieve a degree in someday (my current one being in I.T, loved weather since i was little), and it surprises me that EF5’s are so insanely uncommon, even with massive changes that have occurred in weather activity over the past decade+ due to issues referring to Climate Change.

Is there a concrete reason why it has been a decade since, or is it a more complex/deeper reason?

EDIT: turns out i dont understand years, rather nearly 9 years, not 10

In: 26

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tornado ratings in part are based on damage. The majority of land is rural and thus has much fewer items and value of items to be damaged.

Source: lived in Kansas my whole life and know how much area is still cropland and pasture compared to cities.

Fun fact: Tornadoes are still rare here in kansas. People moving here think tornadoes are part of everyday life. Most Kansans have never seen a tornado.

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