Why are EF5 tornadoes so Uncommon, even borderline rare, with the most recent one occurring in Moore, OK almost 10 years ago? (Sorry if this is a copy of an older question)


I’ve found it so weird. I adore the sight of tornadoes when not in their path due to meteorology being something I want to achieve a degree in someday (my current one being in I.T, loved weather since i was little), and it surprises me that EF5’s are so insanely uncommon, even with massive changes that have occurred in weather activity over the past decade+ due to issues referring to Climate Change.

Is there a concrete reason why it has been a decade since, or is it a more complex/deeper reason?

EDIT: turns out i dont understand years, rather nearly 9 years, not 10

In: 26

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just my two cents, but imagine a world where tornadoes of that strength were common. In that case, ones even stronger would be less and less common until eventually you get to a strength that is so uncommon that it becomes the highest rank. Then in that world you’d have someone getting on Reddit asking why the highest ranked tornado by strength is so uncommon.

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