Why are employees given a “signing bonus”? Isn’t the salary enough incentive to join?


Why are employees given a “signing bonus”? Isn’t the salary enough incentive to join?

In: Other

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on the job and the available labour market. When I was in first year of a two year healthcare program, the graduating class was emerging right when a lot of departments were expanding or had people retiring. They were offered signing bonuses, 6 months of room and board and were even flown in for interviews. Just in my location, there were 100+ openings for a class size of 40 or so.

Then came my graduating year and everything dried up. While many of my classmates found jobs at their clinical rotations, I had nothing (but I didn’t want to work in the city). At the end of the day, I still had 3 job offers, but the days of signing bonuses were long gone.

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