Why are English speakers calling Turkey Türkiye?


I mean I really don’t have any problems with saying it like this, just don’t understand the need. We don’t call Germany Deutschland or Japan Nihon, so why are people saying Türkiye?

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23 Answers

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Because Turks made a fuss about about it and insisted their country be called so. It’s a pretty recent thing, just last few years, but if a country wants to change what it’s called, then generally they get to do that and why wouldn’t rest of the world listen to how they want to be named? They are hardly the only ones to ever change their name, happens more often than you might think. [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/country-names/country-name-changes-in-hmg-use-1919-to-2020](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/country-names/country-name-changes-in-hmg-use-1919-to-2020)

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