Why are general-purpose OS not good for IoT applications? Is it too complex and not focused enough on the actions?


Why are general-purpose OS not good for IoT applications? Is it too complex and not focused enough on the actions?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re thinking of windows/mac/Linux which are typically bloated with dozens of gigabytes of libraries for every conceivable use.

Linux can be pared down to a few hundred kilobytes for loT devices, works great.

Then there are extremely tiny operating systems designed for minimal hardware that still qualify as general purpose.


Lastly though, if all the lot device does is a few simple tasks there’s no need for an operating system. Link a networking library into the app and you’re all set.

*One inexpensive Linux system hardware solution is the Raspberry Pi Zero. They retail for $5 and run a full version of Debian. The Zeros i/o pins aren’t fantastic, 3.3v only, so add a $0.75 Arduino and you can interface with most sensors/circuits easily.

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