Why are humans always in heat?


Non native speaker 🙃.

Are we the unique specie that is always horny or there are others?

Also why the arrive of the “horniess” is that early, 11.17 yo for males and 12.6 yo for females (Means from this paper: Timing of Puberty and Sexuality in Men and Women by Ostovich & Sabini , 2005) I mean this totally make sense for us boys, if you star having sex soon probably you will have more descendants, but this don’t have any benefits (beside is a funny feeling…) for females, Is not the twenties the ideal ages to have babys?

In: Biology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans spontaneously ovulate as well as other primates, rats, mice, gueina pigs and sheep. Other animals have induced ovulation where sex induces ovulation.

Prior to modern times humans might not know when they are ovulating so being interested in sex all the time helps ensure that eventually the sex will line up with ovulation.

For induced animals they also tend to follow a estrous instead of a menstrual cycle. So they only need to have sex during certain times of the year and because they are induced ovulators they will produce an egg after sex. So they aren’t likely to miss reproduction. If animals have estrous cycles they don’t have periods instead they will reabsorb the lining. Sometime you might see spotting but that happens during ovulation which is the opposite of a period.

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