why are humans and apes so far apart from each other in terms of ability?

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Why are there no species that have developed to bridge the gap between humans and apes?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine back in the Roman times, one of your ancestors was deployed in a war and had a kid in (modern day) Turkey, then moved back home and had a kid in Italy. Maybe the Turkish kid’s children moved to Egypt while the Italian’s grandkids moved north into Europe. Skip forward 2000 years and you have people in Africa that share DNA with people in England that look vastly different.
Asking why there are no species to bridge the gap is like a white European asking where the brown person is that sits in between them and their black African distant relative. The gap was bridged centuries ago. Like how the gap between yorkshire terriers and Rottweilers was bridged thousands of years ago from wolves.
With apes and humans, the gap was bridged MILLIONS of years ago.

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